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12월, 2012의 게시물 표시

[Recipe]Skewered chicken with paprika, garlic, and sesame seeds

   Ta da! It's very easy to make and delicious. I'm on a diet at the moment, so I made it :) Here's the recipe. Ingredients 2 pieces of chicken breast (about 250g) 1 paprika some garlics sesame seeds for sauce: 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp honey, 3 Tbsp lemon juice (mix them together in a small bowl) Direcitons Cut chicken breast into bite size. Don't cut them too thick 'cause it will take long time. Remove the seeds of paprika and cut them into similar size to chicken. Put garlics into microwave for 30 seconds. They burn so easily but not cooked well. So I used microwave.  Put them in a skewer. Mariante them with the sauce using brush and leave it at least 15 minutes. Heat up the pan and grill them until the chicken is thoroughly cooked. Sprinkle some sesame seeds (if you like). waiting for 15 minutes after marinating Yes, I'm on a diet. It would've been okay if I ate them for lunch... I ate them after I got hom

[프랑스 영화] Prête-moi ta main

This is a film that I watched about 2 weeks ago. The genre was romantic-comedy and I really enjoyed! Story is very simple; Louis Costa is a perfumist and he really enjoys his life as single. But his 5 sisters and mother want him to get married since they are sick and tired of doing 'the wife's job', such as making meals, ironing clothes, etc. He makes a plan. Find a girl, introduce her to the family, prepare wedding, and on the wedding day, the bride runs away, and he get so disappointed not to be in love again, also get marreid. He choose a girl who is a sister of his friend. Her name's Emma. She does her job perfectly. All the family loves her and they prepare wedding. The plan seems to be working so well. But you know, romantic comedy, always have some difficulties... Enough talking about story. The title 'Prête-moi ta main' means 'Would you marry me'. At first I thought it meant 'Could you give me your hand'. and it seemed right accor

프랑스 영화 보기

시간 많은 김에 불어 공부 좀 열심히 해보려고 USB CD-Rom을 구매했다. 랩탑으론 CD나 DVD 관람이 안돼서 불편했는데 사니까 편하다. 스맛 TV랑도 연결됐음 했는데 싸서 안되는건가 ㅎㅎ 문화원에서 1주일에 영화 DVD 1개 정도씩 빌려서 모르는 단어 받아 적고, 알던 단어나 liason 어떤지 들어보려고 했는데... 자막이랑 음성이 다르다는게 함정... 영어로 된 영화의 경우는 영화의 음성이랑 자막이 같다. 심지어 [laughing] 이런 소리도 자막처리 되는데 ㅠㅠ 아마 시각 장애인을 위한 음성에서 따온 거라서 그럴까? 어쨌든 프랑스 영화는 이 영상이랑 소리가 다르다. 더 쉽거나 짧은 단어를 선택하는 듯. '가끔씩'이란 뜻의 단어를 음성은 'de temps en temps' 으로 말하고 자막은 'parfois'로 나왔었다. 뭐 이런식... 말이 빠르니 자막을 너무 휙휙 바꾸기 그래서 그런 식으로 바꿔 적는걸까? 정확히는 검색해봐도 못 찾았다.  지난주에 본 영화는 '알랭 샤바, 샬롯 갱스부르' 주연의 '결혼하고도 싱글로 남는 법 - Prete-moi ta main'이랑' 타인의 취향 - Le gout des autre'를 봤다. 두 영화 모두 사전 정보 없이 본 거였는데 볼 만 했다. 영화에 대한 내용은 담에 써야지