기본 콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

7월, 2014의 게시물 표시


C'est une photo de la danse traditionnelle qui s'appelle "Tawa". On écoute de la musique folk et des cris forts de joie des gens. On scrute que c'est la région désertique. On peut voir que les gens sont heureux, surtout les hommes comme ils rirent. Mais si on observe la photo, on remarque que les femmes ont l'air effrayée. Parce qu'ils les frappent en dansant. C'est une photo de la pique-nique. On voit qu'il est en train de se reposer après avoir faire du vélo. Ils sentent l'odeur de l'herbe fraiche et ressent la brise. J'ai l'impression que le moment est calme et tranquille. J’espère que les sandwichs sentent bons.

Ce que j'ai oublié

Pendant 3 ou 4 mois, ce que j'ai fait était m'inquiéter tout le temps en attendant le résultat de l'université. Pendant 3 ou 4 mois, tout ce que j'ai fait était de m'inquiéter tout le temps en attendant le résultat de l'université. |   인용   |   Je n'ai pas écouté la musique, ni regardé le film, ni étudier la langue... Je n'ai pas écouté de musique, ni regardé de film, ni étudié de langue... |   인용   |   Franchement j'ai rien fait. 첨삭이 필요없는 완벽한 문장입니다! |   인용   |   Mais aujourd'hui j'ai réalisé qu'il n'y avait rien changer s'inquiéter. Aujourd'hui ,j'ai réalisé que cela ne changeait rien de s'inquiéter . |   인용   |   En plus je fais apitoiement que je ne me suis pas bien soignée. En plus, je m'apitoie sur moi parce que je ne me suis pas bien soignée. |   인용   |   Je vais recommencer à...

Stop comparing, stop moaning, stop being depressed

Since I met him on Monday, I'm quite depressed. Well, depressed and motivated at the same time. Weird. He's from a different city than mine. I was born in here and I've never left my town expect for one year in England. The speed of life in his city and the one of mine is quite different. The atmosphere is more relaxed here. Things go slower, people are somewhat naive though I live in a metropolitan city. Anyway, what I feel from that day is that "I'm out of the circle" or "one step behind the line". I don't really like competition. I don't like going out with dozens of people at the same time. I like staying home and focusing on my things. I like to be in control of my life (which I can't managed to do easily at this moment). So I was quite happy living here until now. Well... all the big cities are similar. Trop de gens, trop d'informations, trop de competitions. He got what he wanted in that stressed situation, w...

[네일아트] 엄마한테

내가 중간에 자면 안해준다니까 졸아가면서 앉아서 바른 네일 ㅋㅋ 처음에 망삘이었는데 금색 땡땡이 찍으면서 얼마간 회생 살에 뭍은거 좀 지우고 찍지 ㅋㅋ  거기다 저 리모콘은 왜 들게 시켜서 ㅠㅠ 부끄러우니까 사진은 쪼꼬맣게... ☞☜ 저 땡땡이들 송곳으로 찍었는데 얼마전에 주문해둔 도구들이 도착했다! 알리익스프레스에서 3.몇 달러 준건데 1달 걸려도 일단 도착하긴 했네 뭐 가격도 싸고 무료배송이니!

[네일아트] 네일 스탬프

일주일쯤 쉬려다 못참고 그냥 발라봤다... 손톱도 부러지고 엉망 ㅠ 처음 해본건데 감 좀 더 잡아야 할 듯 곡면이라 도안을 온전히 찍기 어렵다.

[lyrics] Jeff Bernatt - Doesn't Matter

You see, I can’t describe the feelings tangled up with me my body and soul and even every heartbeat concentrated real hard like a final, got me stuck on this love like a needle on a vinyl You can be my life, you can be my world, only difference is, is that you a different kind of girl Chill, nod your head, close your eyes and relax, and kick back to the beat and let your rhythm react, ha Let me tell you about this girl that I know, She loves hip hop and rock ‘n roll And that’s cool with me, she’s so unique but I’m just really tryna keep it real, Forget about the world girl, how do you feel about anything, just talk to me love It really doesn’t matter who you are, it doesn’t matter if you sing or play guitar If you a superstar, fancy car, really big house I just wanna know what you really about Cause your beauty in your eyes girl, makes me realize girl, The only thing important is I have you in my life girl Careless about ma...